Everys Solicitors News Archive
It’s not the easiest topic to think about, but knowing exactly what will happen to your pension when you die is important for your peace of mind. Here is an overview of the different kinds of pensions and what happens to them when you die. Below we cover state pensions, defined benefit pensions, and defined…
Read MoreMaking a Will A will is a tool to set out what you would like to happen to your estate when you pass away. A common misconception people have is that if they don’t have a will everything will pass to their partner or that the family will be able to decide for themselves what…
Read MoreWe often have the foresight to make a will – we consider what we would like to happen when we pass away and who we want to benefit from our estates. Often, my clients get peace of mind knowing that things are in order for the family that they are leaving behind. However, what we…
Read MoreIssues that might arise as part of later life planning from a legal point of view This basic guide is intended to give you an indication of the types of advice you may need in later life, and as part of retirement generally. It is not an exhaustive list but it covers the main general…
Read MoreCare provision and fees The UK’s elderly care system is complex and there are different rules depending upon whether you live in England or Wales, Scotland being a separate legal jurisdiction. There are also different rules in place for residential care and domiciliary care, and the rules on who should pay what and when are…
Read MoreCourt of Protection The Court of Protection is a specialist Court established to deal with matters regarding people who lack the mental capacity to make decisions for themselves. If a person can no longer manage their financial affairs and they do not have the capacity to make a Property and Finance Lasting Power of Attorney,…
Read MoreDecisions you can make if you have parental responsibility Parental responsibility gives certain individuals rights and obligations in respect of a child. It is generally held by most parents and can also be given to others in certain circumstances. Those who have parental responsibility need to ensure that the child in their care has their…
Read MoreChanges to how care in England will be charged from October 2023. I am hesitant to write this article as many of you will know that we have been here before, advised that the rules on charging for care are going to change but then, after a number of postponements, the promised changes never materialised.…
Read MoreWhether you’re helping an elderly relative or applying for probate, the services of a good solicitor are invaluable. Choosing the right legal professional can seem daunting but finding a solicitor should be straightforward if you consider the following factors. What legal advice and services do you need? Firstly, you need a solicitor who specialises in…
Read MoreWith the new, simpler ‘no-fault’ divorce law now in effect, experts are warning of an increased risk of financial difficulties in retirement. Insurer and pension provider Aviva has carried out research that suggests that as couples take advantage of an easier route to divorce, they may not take the time to properly value pensions and…
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