Why Use a Solicitors for the Elderly accredited lawyer?
Why Use a Solicitors for the Elderly accredited lawyer?
Later life presents a set of challenges that, if not dealt with correctly, can have serious consequences not just for the individual concerned but for their family, too. That’s why it’s essential that the lawyer you instruct to manage your affairs has the highest level of experience, knowledge and skill in dealing with issues affecting the elderly and vulnerable. Cue Solicitors for the Elderly (SFE).
SFE is a nationwide association consisting of more than 1,600 highly skilled lawyers who have the expertise in handling elderly care issues with sensitivity, professionalism and efficiency. With more than 50% of their time dedicated to older clients, SFE lawyers have developed a substantial knowledge base which is continually updated through regular training and events. They are independently accredited by Skills for Justice, a government body, and follow a strict code of practice to ensure integrity and respect at all times.
SFE lawyers are dedicated to safeguarding their client’s interests and are committed to providing exceptional legal advice at an affordable cost. They follow an Older Client Care Procedure which sets out what the client can expect of them, so that they are well informed from the outset; and plain English is used at all times ensuring that communication is clear and fully understood.
If you or a relative would benefit from the advice of an SFE accredited lawyer, please look out for the SFE Accreditation badge which will be displayed on the law firm’s website.